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Which sleeper profile best matches you?

Sleep is an essential function that allows your body and mind to recharge, leaving you refreshed and alert when you wake up. Deep, prolonged and consistent sleep also helps the body remain healthy and stave off diseases. Without enough sleep, the brain cannot function properly, which creates a hosts of issues.

Sensitive Sleeper

Is it hard for you to fall asleep? Stay asleep? Toss and turn when the sun rises? Are you cranky and irritable when you get up? Whether you have always been a sensitive sleeper or just encountering now, we have a tool that will help you fall asleep and stay asleep longer. Our Curtain Clip Pro blocks out the light so you can stay in dream land and feel more rested!


Is your child visiting your bed when the sun comes up? Does your newborn cry when those rays enter the nursery? Does your teenager want to sleep until noon? The average child is currently getting 2-4 hours less sleep than they are supposed to. Our Curtain Clip Pro will not only help your children by blocking out the light, increasing their sleep, but also enable you to rest longer because you don’t have to help them. Everyone will benefit! This helps brain and body development in youth, reduces family stress, and increases productivity.

Travelers & Jet lag

Does it take forever to adjust to the time difference when you travel? Do you have a hard time sleeping in hotel rooms because the light is always peeking in? How can you get those curtains to close properly because you have a big presentation in the morning? Our Curtain Clip Pro is so light and small and fits in any suitcase or carryon.  Take our product on the road to help sleep more quickly, soundly, and longer! It is a game changer!  

If you travel, it’s important to know that light serves to set our internal clock to the appropriate time. However, problems can occur when our exposure to light changes due to a shift in work schedule or travel across time zones. Under normal conditions, our internal clock strongly influences our ability to sleep at various times over the course of a 24-hour period, as well as which sleep stages we experience when we do sleep.

Long-distance travelers experience “jet lag” as their internal clock adjusts to the new day-night cycle. Individuals who travel across time zones or work the night shift typically have two symptoms. One is insomnia when they are trying to sleep outside of their internal phase, and the other is excessive sleepiness during the time when their internal clock says that they should be asleep. Half of all night shift workers regularly report nodding off and falling asleep when they are at work. This should be seen as an important concern both for individuals and society, given that airline pilots, air traffic controllers, physicians, nurses, police, and other public safety workers are all employed in professions in which peak functioning during a night shift may be critical.